Tips to Avoid Pricey Asphalt Repairs

An asphalt driveway, parking lot or other parcel can be extremely durable and continue to look good for a long time. However, to keep your asphalt in good condition, it is important that you keep it properly maintained. There are five tips in particular that could be followed to help protect your asphalt, extend its useful life and prevent more costly repairs in the future.


Remove all Debris

One of the most important asphalt care tips to follow to keep your asphalt in good working order is to remove all debris that you come across. Tree branches and other debris are going to be blown onto your asphalt from time to time. When these items are not removed, they can block the flow of water and create standing pools. This could start to cause deterioration and damage to your asphalt. Due to this, it is very important that you have this debris removed as soon as it is noticed. This can be even more important during the winter months when ice and snow could form around the debris.


Repair and Seal All Cracks and Holes

For asphalt maintenance, it is also very important that you have the asphalt repaired as soon as you can. If you notice that there are small holes and cracks in your asphalt, you should call a professional for asphalt repair to ensure these are filled in as soon as you can. When you have these holes repaired, it will help to prevent ice, salt, water and other debris from getting in, which could cause further damage in the future.


Shovel Regularly

If your business is located in a cold climate, the impact of bad winter weather on asphalt can be noticeable. Once the snow and ice melts, many people will identify a range of holes and cracks in their asphalt. However, this can be managed better if you shovel regularly. When you are able to shovel on a regular basis, it will help to clear all of the snow and ice and will prevent cracking.


Be Careful of De-Icing Products

While it is important to get rid of snow and ice, you should be careful about the products that you use. Most of the major de-icing products that you will find will contain rock salt. While this can help to break down and prevent ice, it can also cause serious damage to your asphalt. For proper asphalt care, you should look for a product that uses potassium chloride as it will be effective without harming your asphalt.


Don’t Ignore Pooling Water

If you notice that there is standing water on your asphalt, you should have the issue fixed as soon as you can. Pooling water can be due to poor drainage or deterioration of the asphalt. If you do not call a professional for asphalt repair to fix this issue quickly, it will continue to become more problematic as it will cause further deterioration and pot holes.

Ultimately, with proper asphalt maintenance and care, you could expect that your asphalt will last for a long time. To ensure that you are caring for your asphalt, you should follow these five tips. These will help to ensure that you remain diligent about caring for your asphalt, which will keep it in great shape for years to come.

How To Reuse and Recycle Asphalt

During the past few years, there has been a massive push to develop green practices, particularly when it comes to the construction industry. Now, this practice has been woven into all aspects of construction, from construction to residential spaces and even paving. This has provided massive benefits for the environment, as everyone works to preserve the planet.

One of the major shifts has been the growth of asphalt recycling. When people think about recyclable materials, they usually think about plastic, cardboard, and glass; however, pavement and asphalt are actually the most recycled materials in the country. Annually, around 80 million tons of asphalt is recycled. This goes to show that asphalt is considered a green technology. It is also environmentally friendly. For those wondering how they can recycle and reuse asphalt, there are a few points to keep in mind.

How To Recycle Asphalt

Asphalt is a part of a recycling category that is called C&D, which stands for construction and demolition. Some of the other products that are included under this heading include wood, glass, and fixtures from buildings. This type of waste is treated differently from typical recycling products that come from a household, such as plastic. This means that it might be a bit harder to find a recycling center that can handle asphalt; however, there are numerous asphalt contractors that have connections with these recycling centers, so it is a good idea to reach out to them.

In this fashion, it is important to be open and honest with the asphalt contractors that recycling asphalt that might not need to be used is a priority. Therefore, talk with them about ideas regarding where and how they can take the asphalt.

One of the first places to look for a recycling center that can handle asphalt is the local solid waste management district. These are relatively common throughout most cities; however, people should call them to make sure they can handle asphalt, as not everyone can. There are also helpful search tools on the internet that can help people find places that can accept asphalt recycling. Even asphalt shingles from the roof can be recycled; however, it is important to make sure the asphalt recycling plan accepts these shingles, as not all plants do.

Recycling Asphalt Is Important

Back in 2002, one of the first organizations to announce that they would be recycling asphalt was the Federal Highway Administration. They announced that they would be reusing and recycling asphalt throughout their roadway projects whenever possible to minimize the impact on the environment. In this manner, this is the biggest reason why it is so important to recycle asphalt. It saves the environment. Furthermore, the FHWA realized that there was actually a functional benefit to using recycled asphalt. The roads appeared to last longer.

Furthermore, recycling asphalt is important because it saves money. If projects can use recycled asphalt, they do not need to invest in brand new materials, which are more expensive. When this is combined with the environmental impact of using recycled products, such as asphalt, the reasons to reuse and recycle this material become clear.

Recycle Asphalt During Future Projects

This is a brief overview of how to recycle asphalt and why it is so important. Those who are looking to recycle asphalt should reach to asphalt contractors or take a look at local solid waste management plants. These sources usually have information on where and how to recycle asphalt as well as asphalt repair services.

When to Patch, Resurface, or Repair

Repairing a driveway can be very expensive at times. Even though the driveway is made of concrete or bricks, installing a new driveway makes things very expensive. All you have to decide is whether you need your driveway to be patched, resurfaced, or repaired.

Since repairing a driveway could be very expensive, most of the homeowners fail to replace their driveway and instead choose to patch the cracks and the awful spots on the driveway. This could be cheap at that time, but in the long run, it could turn out to be more than expensive for you. Before you decide what to do in your driveway, you need to consider several factors to ensure you are getting the right option for your driveway repair.

With so many cars moving on your driveway for a long time, your driveway will begin to show signs of damage. The first thing that you will start to realize is having small cracks as well as some divots on the material that is used in making the driveway. If the cracks on your driveways are not that deep, it is good to decide to repair your driveway. All you need is some liquid crack fillers for filling the cracks in the driveway. In case the cracks are more substantial, maybe a width of more than a quarter-inch, it is clear that your driveway is in a mess. If you repair such cracks on your driveway by just filling them using liquid crack fillers, the problem will be solved but temporarily.

Driveway patching

In case your driveway has some holes in it, you need to ensure that you patch the holes using some patching materials. Although you will have your driveway patched, water will still find its way through the patches. With time the water will begin opening the holes on your driveway again. Some homeowners will choose to patch the driveways by themselves rather than hiring concrete contractors to repair. Patching your driveway pushes the replacement of your driveway for quite some time.

Driveway replacement

The look on your driveway could be the main factor that gives your home a complement. If your driveway is in bad shape, then your home will also be in the same shape. Consequently, if you are the type of homeowners who sells houses, you will realize that your buyers will tend to look at whether the driveway has holes and cracks on it. If this is the situation on your driveway, then it would be best to replace it rather than patching it. This type of concrete repair would be best for the driveways whose conditions are deplorable. Although it could be costly, the replacement on your driveway could give your driveway the best look that every homeowner will want.

Driveway resurfacing

At any time you want to hire any concrete contractors to work on the patches that are always on your driveway or redo it, you should think about resurfacing it. When you get the best contractors for concrete repair, they will help you in resurfacing your driveway. Resurfacing your driveway involves removing the topmost layer on the driveway and replacing it with another. The best thing with having your driveway resurfaced is that it becomes brand new. Even if there are cracks and pits on the driveway, when you resurface it, you will not have the same problem for quite some time. When the driveway is resurfaced, all the cracks and the pits will be repaired at the same time. This is the best option if you want to have your driveway looking better at all times.

Cracked Asphalt: 4 Major Causes and 3 Highly Effective Ways to Fix It

It is important for everyone to keep their driveways, parking lots, and other asphalt surfaces in good condition. This will help the property maintain its value, which is important for every real estate investment. As asphalt ages, it may start to crack. It requires regular maintenance in order to extend its longevity. With this in mind, there are a few major reasons why asphalt might start to crack. The good news is that there are also ways to fix it.

The Major Causes of Asphalt Cracking

If there is cracked asphalt, it needs to be fixed quickly. Otherwise, this will only lead to bigger problems down the road, which will cost more money. There are a few major reasons why asphalt might start to crack. They include:

  • Exposure to UV Rays: One of the biggest reasons why asphalt starts to crack is exposure to UV rays. These rays come from the sun and dry out the oil, bitumen, and tar, which are all key parts of asphalt. If asphalt becomes dry, it cannot flex and extend with the ground. This leads to cracking.
  • Plants: If the asphalt starts to crack, this could lead to vegetation that grows through the cracks. If plants are growing, this means that there is water that has gotten underneath the asphalt, leading to plant growth. These plants can spread quickly, leading to additional damage. It is important to remove them quickly and fill the cracks.
  • Water: Along these lines, moisture is one of the major reasons why asphalt starts to deteriorate. As water gets into the asphalt, it damages the foundation. This leads to major depressions and an uneven surface. This is where potholes come from. This is why it is important to make sure that all asphalt surfaces drain well.
  • Chemicals: Finally, oil and chemical spills that come from vehicles can also lead to asphalt damage. This can discolor the asphalt, making it look dirty. Furthermore, they can also penetrate the asphalt itself, leading to major damage.

All of these issues are common sources of asphalt damage. Fortunately, there are also a few ways to repair asphalt quickly.

Effective Asphalt Repair Methods

There are a few reliable ways in which someone can repair cracked asphalt. Some of the most popular asphalt repair methods include:

  • The Gator Patch: One option that people might use is called a gator patch. This is a popular option for those who have a large network of cracks. These cracks look like the back of an alligator (which is where the name comes from). A gator patch is like clay or mud. It will require a trowel but is an effective fix.
  • Cold Pour: This is good for smaller cracks that are less than a half-inch in diameter. This is made from acrylic and water. It usually comes in liquid form and is poured by hand.
  • Hot Pour: For larger cracks (in parking lots and on runways), a hot pour solution is usually required. This is based on rubber, is shaped like a cube, and requires a melter applicator. Once it is melted, it is dragged over the crack and filled. This is the preference of the professionals.

It is better to prevent asphalt cracks from appearing with proper maintenance; however, these effective techniques can be used to quickly repair asphalt damage.

7 Critical Checks for Parking Lot Drains

Business owners commonly think about cracks and damage that lead to asphalt repair; however, it is just as important to think about parking lot drains as well because parking lot repair can be expensive. Water is a good thing when it comes to parking lots; however, too much water can also lead to serious damage. Even shallow puddles can cause the surface to become slippery. Cars can lose control and collide with other vehicles, leading to both personal injuries and property damage. This can cause the reputation of the business to suffer. This is where it is important to check parking lot drainage, starting with the drains themselves.

Checking for Parking Lot Drainage: The Drains

Some of the most important items that need to be on this checklist regarding parking lot drains include:

Water Collection: First, take a look around the drain. Make sure there isn’t any water ponding around the drain. If water starts to pool around the drain, it will collect along the sides. As a result, pressure around the drain will start to increase. During the winter, this water will freeze. When water freezes, it expands. This will cause the drain and concrete to crack, leading to damage.

Flush with the Surface: All parking lot drains need to be flush with the asphalt surface. If it is not, this is a major concern. If the drain is not flush with the asphalt, this can cause water to pool. It can also lead to flooding.

Ring Popping Up: Another potential issue that people might notice with their parking lot drains is that the ring is popping up a little bit. In this case, a small asphalt patch can fix the issue. Just make sure the patch is level. This will prevent a collar from forming that will stop the water from draining correctly.

Inside: Be sure to check inside the drain as well. Take the time to look for gunk, foul smells, and debris. If there is a clog inside the drain, this can also lead to a mosquito nest, which is a major nuisance. To look inside the drain, test the drain by pouring water into it. It should drain properly.

Blockage: Of course, it is also important to make sure that parking lot drains are not blocked by either debris of vegetation. If the drain is blocked, water cannot reach it properly. This will lead to flooding.

Loose Material: Sometimes, there is loose material that forms around the drain. This could be sand, gravel, or other materials. This is a major problem if the drain is near a major road. This aggregate can be brought in by runoff and heavy rain. Ensure this is not accumulating within t the drain.

Pooling: Finally, look at the center of the parking lot. Does the water pool in this location? Parking lots usually slope from one end to the other to help water drain. If water is pooling in the center, this means the center of the parking lot has dropped, causing water to pool and preventing it from draining properly. This will require a parking lot repair.

These are the most important elements when it comes to checking parking lot drains. This is important for making sure that all moisture drains properly. It will prevent property damage from arising down the line and save people money on asphalt repair.