Common Concrete Issues

Concrete is a common material used due to its durability and versatility. Under the right conditions, it is a sustainable material. But, there are numerous common concrete problems, which can prevent concrete from attaining its longevity. Recognizing these problems and understanding the solutions can improve the overall performance of concrete. The common concrete problems include dusting, blistering, plastic shrinkage cracking, discoloration, and scaling.


Dusting on concrete occurs when a hardened concrete surface appears as a powdery material. Laitance, which is a layer of cement, water, and fine aggregates is the primary reason why dusting occurs on concrete. The laitance layer is weak, porous, and thin. As a result, the laitance makes the hardened concrete surface vulnerable and weak.

Other reasons why dusting appears include improper cure of the concrete surface, exposing the concrete to carbon dioxide while it is in a plastic state, and conducting finish operation on the concrete surface while it still has bleed water—this is water that separates itself from the concrete.

To avoid these problems, proper concrete curing procedures should always be followed; equipment that produces carbon dioxide should always be vented while the surface is in the plastic state, and the finishing operation should always be conducted on the concrete surface after bleed water has been removed.


Blistering appears on a hardened or fresh concrete surface as bumps. These blisters occur when bleeding water or entrapped air rises to the sealed concrete surface. Blistering of concrete surfaces is problematic, as it causes the concrete to break easily under stresses like traffic. Other reasons why blistering occurs include excessive or inadequate use of vibration during concrete compaction, setting concrete surfaces over the vapor barrier, and sealing the concrete surface early.

To prevent blistering from occurring, appropriate concrete compaction procedures have to be followed, if possible, concrete should not be placed over vapor barriers, and trowel blades must be kept flat at all times to avoid sealing the concrete surface early.

Plastic Shrinkage Cracking

Plastic shrinkage cracking occurs when a crack appears on fresh, hardened concrete surfaces. Like the name suggests, these cracks develop while the surface is still in the plastic state. These cracks occur when the concrete surface experiences a rapid loss of water before it sets. Although plastic shrinkage cracking is an aesthetics issue and not a structural issue, these cracks end up allowing chemicals to penetrate the surface, and this can result in structural problems later on.

The loss of water on concrete surfaces can occur due to several reasons like low relative humidity, high winds, and high concrete temperature or ambient air. To avoid these conditions, ensure you use fog spraying equipment, windscreens and windbreaks should be installed, and always avoid placing concrete at midday.


Discoloration of concrete can occur due to various reasons like material exposure, weather conditions, and even the curing time. Although concrete discoloration may look aesthetically unpleasing, there are numerous ways you can repair these issues. The first method is using a concrete cleaner. These will help give the concrete a better and natural look. If that does not work, you consider using a concrete stain.


Scaling on concrete surfaces occurs when the surfaces start to chip or flake away. This is usually because of freeze-thaw, water seepage, poor concrete finishing, or weak concrete surfaces. To repair scaling issues, use trowel-grade light coat, as it helps fill the scaled area. Also, ensure that you seal your concrete at all times, as this helps to reduce scaling significantly.

How to budget for your parking lot updates in 2019

Parking lot management may not be too involved, but smart owners create a strategic plan for preventative maintenance and upkeep at the start of every year. If you want to take a proactive approach to your parking lot budget, consider these tips when determining your budget for parking lot updates in 2019. Utilizing a trusted partner in this process can cut down the time commitment on your part, and leave you with the bandwidth to concentrate on the immediate needs of your business.

Where is your pavement in the useful life cycle?

Pavement does not last forever and requires regular upkeep and maintenance. Whether your parking lot is need of sealing, patching, or it’s time for replacement, it’s important to approach this upkeep in a proactive manner. In addition to having an adequate amount of funds available, it is also important to remain proactive in order to minimize disruption to your cash flow as repairs and maintenance are conducted. Undergoing an inspection is an effective way to determine the most impactful update projects while scheduling them when the downtime will cause the least possible impact on your cash flow.

Is preventative maintenance and upkeep a part of your 2019 budget? It should be.

The physical condition of your parking lot is the foundation of your business, and including the upkeep of your lot in your 2019 budget is essential. In addition to regular maintenance it is key to have reserves in place should the need for a major refurbishment or repair arise. Without a proper budget, you may be left scrambling in the event of an unseen event or emergency. Don’t let this happen to you! Proper maintenance and regular updates can prevent future issues that grow more expensive with neglect. By adding such line items to your 2019 budget you will be ahead of the curve and in a much stronger position if an unexpected repair need arises at your parking lot.

Determine your top 3 goals or “must-dos” to increase your customers’ parking experience in 2019

The start of 2019 is a perfect time to review your goals for the year and put them into action. Whether it is reconfiguring the lot to maximize space, or updating payment options for your customers, this is the right time to put those plans in place. When you budget and plan for future improvements your parking lot is much less likely to experience downturns and dips in revenue caused by being off-line. Tackling these top 3 goals for 2019 with a schedule that includes a budget for the necessary funds can help you to avoid damage and repair in the future.

Create ongoing relationships with a trusted partner in order to maximize results

The day-to-day running and management of your parking lot holdings can take up a lot of your time, and bringing in a trusted partner can yield positive results. With the right partner, you can focus on the business aspects of your parking lot and leave the budgeting and planning to a specialist. Thinking that you don’t have enough time to properly plan and budget for updates to your lot can lead to a lot of avoidable trouble down the road.

Make 2019 the year that you implement proper budgeting and maintenance plans for your parking lot. Proper maintenance, repair, and updates can help you to maximize profits while minimizing downtime and unexpected expenses!

What Temperature Should You Pour Concrete?

Concrete can be poured at any time when the temperatures have been above 40 F for over 72 hours. Moderate temperatures make the placement crew’s job easier as it sets up at a good pace, allowing ample time for edging, jointing, troweling and curing. In some instances, it can be placed when temperatures are lower but special additives are used, and heating may also be required. The other factors that can affect concrete pouring include wind speed, humidity levels, and the temperature of the sub-base which is the surface you will be pouring your concrete on.

Pouring your concrete in cold weather

In regards to concrete, cold weather is anything below 40ºF. Here are some tips for pouring concrete in cold weather;
  • Should the sub-base be frozen thaw it with heaters. Alternatively, you could pour the concrete on Styrofoam material as it helps sustain the temperature in the concrete.
  • Order for concrete products that are designed to cure promptly. Cold weather concrete is capable of resisting thawing and freezing effects as they have air entrained voids.
  • Ascertain that the concrete you order for has a low slump also known as a drier mix to minimize bleed water. You can use a vacuum or squeegees to rid the concrete of bleed water. This will help decrease the setting time.
  • You could use hot water to mix the concrete or use extra cement, that is, 100 lbs per cubic yard of concrete to create a heated reaction.
  • Once you have successfully poured your concrete, maintain its temperatures at 50ºF for a minimum of 3 days to a maximum of 7 days. This can be achieved through the use of heated enclosures or an insulating blanket.
  • If you are going to make use of a heated enclosure, ascertain that it is weatherproof and windproof.
  • Once you determine that the concrete is well set, you can remove the insulating blanket or the heated enclosure to allow the concrete to air dry.

Pouring your concrete in hot weather

  • Hot temperature in regards to concrete pouring is anything above 77ºF. Here are some tips for pouring concrete in hot weather;
  • Avoid pouring the concrete when it’s too hot to avoid temperature-related issues. You can do so either early in the morning or late in the evening.
  • You can erect shades along with wind barriers to protect the poured concrete from crusting or stiffening. Crusted concrete is highly susceptible to plastic shrinkage, crazing, and cracking.
  • Have a few people help you with the mixing process. Prolonged mixing only results in increased temperatures. You can add ice to the water mix to cool the temperature of the mixture.
  • You can dampen the sub-base to help minimize its temperature before pouring your concrete.
  • You can control the evaporation after pouring through the use of wet burlap, polyethylene sheets, waterproof paper, and windbreaks.
  • Should the weather be extremely hot, you will need to observe continuous moist curing for the next couple of days until the concrete is dry.

Finally, note that it is not advisable to place concrete when temperatures exceed 100 F, as it can flash set and there won’t be enough time for proper finishing.

How to Decide on the Right Contractor

Concrete services are incredibly versatile, and homeowners have a lot to choose from. The residential concrete market is booming, and today’s contractors are installing floors, patios and driveways at incredibly high rates. Available concrete professionals have their work cut out for them, and homeowners need to ask a few questions before settling on any specific provider. Finding the right concrete contractor can be tough. Settling on a single provider is a gamble, and it’s not one which should be taken lightly.

Before choosing a contractor, a few things should be considered. Below, we’re covering the best way to choose a concrete contractor.

Step One: Do a Little Research

First, you should research. A simple Internet search can return a list of potential contractors able to provide service in your area. If you want to get personal, ask your family members and friends for referrals and recommendations. Or, reach out to your area’s local concrete supply company and ask about commercial asphalt repair. Ask them to refer some decent concrete contractors. If you can compile a good list of contractor options, you’ll have a healthy supply of service providers to choose from.

Step Two: Assure Insurance Coverage

Next, you should make sure any contractor you work with has insurance coverage. Sometimes, things go wrong. A job site needs to be protected, and your service provider should have insurance coverage. Make sure you’re not going to be liable if an accident occurs. Before picking a contractor, make sure they have adequate insurance coverage. Their coverage should be enough to cover your home, the project and any injuries in the event of an accident. To help you determine whether a contractor’s insurance coverage is enough, contact their insurance company directly. Then, ask them to verify the contractor’s insurance—as well as their coverage policy’s dates.

Step Three: Determine Their Experience

A good contractor will have years of proven experience. Whether you’re looking at a commercial asphalt resurfacing provider or a number of driveway repair contractors, years in business is a huge indicator of direct potential. A lot of asphalt companies present their years in service up front for this reason—it’s a good advertising strategy. Some residential paving companies, meanwhile, can be difficult to pin down—experience-wise.

Choose between the providers which have at least five years of experience. Concrete contractors and businesses with at least five years of business tend to be more stable and reliable than most. Experienced contractors are, more often than not, highly active on different projects while also being capable suggestion and insight providers. You’ll want to choose a provider which can offer the right concrete mixes, who can suggest ongoing project options and who can enhance your home’s overall look.

Step Four: Ask for References

In the concrete contractor world, successful providers are backed by reputable references. Before signing any contract, ask your contractor for a list of references. Then, contact these references. Learn more about your potential contractor and their operations. Ask all references questions about the type of project they received service on, the project’s length and the project’s overall quality. Then, compare this information to other references.

Once you’ve compared several contractors, you can compare prices. While price should be a large determining factor of which services you’ll pick, it should be one of the last considerations you view. Insurance coverage and a solid track record are more important. They’ll assure high-quality work, and they’ll give you an idea of your project’s overall quality. Many residential paving companies exist, but not all can provide long-term project sustainability and great repair jobs. Be smart, check out several providers and make an informed decision.


Get in touch with us today. Check out our services or send us a quote for your next project.